Jackie & Billy



Will the wedding be outdoors?

The ceremony will be held outdoors, however, the reception is indoors. If necessary, we will move indoors in case of inclement weather.


What will the weather be like in November?

From 80° and sunny to windy and snowy, the weather here can be unpredictable in November. In the last 3 years during late October to early November, the average high was about 63° but ranged from 84°-30°. Bring plenty of layers.


Will there be children at the wedding?

While we love your little ones, we respectfully request no guests under 21 at the ceremony & reception.


Will guests or +1's be welcomed to the wedding?

Unfortunately, we have a tight venue capacity and we have limited our guest count already. Until we have received all of our RSVPs, we cannot allow additional guests.


What is the attire?

We request our guests to dress in semi-formal attire but more importantly that you come ready to have a great time! Remember, it may be cold in November so bring layers for the outdoor ceremony.